
2010 - 2024

(APRIL 10, 2010 - April 10, 2024)
Daddy crossed over the rainbow bridge on the morning of his 14th birthday 🌈🤍 the first photo is one of the last photos I took of him that morning. my heart is so sad because he wasn’t able to celebrate his last birthday with us, with his ‘14’ balloons and peanut butter bone cake. he loved his 13th birthday so much.. especially since we let him eat all his cake. he was the happiest, goofiest, clumsiest, most perfect dog. he loved his younger brother Milo so much that Milo would get so annoyed of him because Daddy would want to be so close, that he’d lay on Milo. we were so fortunate to spend the second half of his life with him. home won’t ever feel the same now that we won’t be hearing his loud paws walking around & his bark whenever Milo would make a sudden move. Daddy thought my bed was his bed, so my bed is going to feel so empty now that he’s not bundled up and laying his head on the pillow next to me. we will miss you so much! ❤️‍🩹 happy birthday daddy, we love you! 4.10.24